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Opening soon, our new location on Derby Creek!

Eagle Vail

51 Eagle Rd, Building #3

Avon, CO 81620

Derby Creek

22573 Colorado River Road

Burns, CO 80426

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Chantel Havre

Licensed Massage Therapist

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Chantel Havre, originally from Ohio, moved to Colorado in 2008 to enjoy the beauty of the mountains and bask in the many days of sunshine.  With her passion for the outdoors, she spends her summers hiking, trail running, camping, floating the river, dancing under the stars and hammock napping.  Once the snow falls, you can find her on the mountain snowboarding or snowshoeing. 

Her bachelor’s degree in Biology from Wittenberg University (’08) initiated her fascination with the human body, which transpired to pursuing a career in bodywork.  Chantel graduated from the Colorado School of Healing Arts in 2013 with an associate degree, which included certifications in Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy.  She has developed a unique style of massage that combines Thai Yoga stretching, trigger point therapy and Swedish techniques to provide a therapeutic, yet relaxing massage.  She often works with athletes and weekend warriors, as well as sedentary computer workers; each one receives a customized massage based on the individual’s needs. 

Chantel Havre, Mountain Cascade Massage Therapy, Eagle Vail, Vail, Avon, CO, Thai Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Pain Management Therapist

“As someone who had endured chronic pain and headaches for years, I understand how pain effects everyday life including sleep patterns and focus.  I thought that being in a state of chronic pain was something I would have to live with, that it was going to be my ‘normal’ state of being. Gratefully, regular massage has contributed to a much better state of ‘normal’.  Incorporating lifestyle changes such as yoga, meditation and healthy eating have taken it even further.  I embrace a whole new respect for the innate healing ability that our bodies possess; sometimes the body simply needs a catalyst, a conduit of healing.  Now, I see it as a blessing to be that catalyst to help others realize their highest potential.”

Schedule your massage today!
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